Landfill Mining & Excavation Plan
A landfill mining and excavation plan was developed in order to achieve the future design of Cell D. Municipal solid waste (MSW) will be mined from the South Thumb and Cell C and rock and soil will be excavated from Cell D. The landfill mining and excavation plan will be completed in four phases, as shown in the figure below.
Project phases for re-sequencing Cell D. Image provided by Matt Morales (City of Flagstaff)
Once the MSW is mined, it will then be transported to the MSW Segregation area located at the northern portion of the landfill where it will be separated and stockpiled. The waste is first unloaded to an intial pile where it then enters a trommel or vibratory screener. The purpose of the trommel and vibratory screener is to separate fines and soil from the watste. The remaining waste is then separated into stock piles, categorized by waste composition, where it will then either be recovered or re-landfilled. The image below shows the anticipated waste segregation area.
MSW Segregation Area. Image provided by Matt Morales (City of Flagstaff)